Saturday, January 14, 2012

The only thing worse than a hangover is a bad hangover.

Lucretius was right: the Universe is essentially erotic.

If it's true that lust is the downfall of a pious man, better to forgo piety from the outset!

A glass of Bordeaux on a cold winter's day is a blatant sign of good karma.

The market is a mirror of the motivating forces behind life itself: fear and greed.

from "the innumerable sayings of tao jones"

It stands to reason that if our perception of reality is an illusion, our perception of illusion is reality.

Linearity - the great illusion.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"If you meet a sacred cow, it’s time for a BBQ!"

from "the innumerable sayings of tao jones"
"Never trust the future."

from "the innumerable sayings of tao jones"

the shack, iron mountain

from “the innumerable sayings of Tao Jones”

1. trying to eat healthy and remain sane is like trying to copulate with a football.
2. worrying about being "green" is a new form of socio-pathology best left to high schoolers.
3. being a nurse maid to a neurotic is a free ticket to Hell.
4. nostalgia is bullshit.
5. playing the drums is a game for psychopaths and other primates.
6. whoever designed the human body should've made it harder to get pregnant.
7. root canals are not for sissies.
8. best invention of mankind - hot shower.
9. TV is a form of programmable madness.
10. most underrated sport - afternoon nap.
Life is full of maybes.

end of the beginning

greetings from the blogosphere.

you have found the site of the accidental philosopher: tao jones
and your gateway to "the innumerable sayings of tao jones" - a work in progress,
as is the Universe in general.
